[TenTec] Omni VI TX power low on one band

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Fri Apr 25 03:44:40 EDT 2008

My Omni VI has lower than normal TX power output on 160 meters. All the 
other bands seem fine. On 160 meters the power is quite a bit higher 
when I go up to 2.3 MHz (the top end of the Omni VI capability on that 
band) than it is at 1.8 MHz. I am using a Bird 43 with100H element, 
which is rated for 2-30 MHz, so there is expected be some inaccuracy 
below 2 MHz. It used to put out more than it does, measured with the 
same meter and element. The output using the on board meter in the Omni 
VI as well as in the 238 tuner is also low, so the power is really low, 
it is not just apparently low because of measuring outside the range of 
the wattmeter element. The first thing I suspect is the low pass filter. 
Perhaps a bad solder joint or a failed capacitor. I wonder if anyone 
else has had a similar problem and can shed some light on the situation?


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