[TenTec] Hercules II fan noise

Mike Hyder --N4NT-- mike_n4nt at embarqmail.com
Tue Aug 26 09:52:59 EDT 2008

Hi, Steve--

Not the same amp but its namesake:

I had the original Hercules 444.  Its fan increased speed with temperature. 
At full tilt it sounded rather like a 747 in full engine reverse.  Putting 
it on a carpet sample helped.  Putting it in another ham's shack helped even 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Hunt" <steve at karinya.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Hercules II fan noise

> If anyone cares to take a listen, I just made a recording of the fan
> noise; the MP3 file is at:
> http://www.karinya.net/g3txq/herc_fan.mp3
> The first 10secs is with the Amp cold.
> 10 seconds into the recording I switch my Omni VI to Tune, and drive the
> Herc to 80 Watts output. You can hear the fan speed increase
> significantly over the next 30 seconds or so. Then I switch back to Rx
> and the fan gradually slows.
> Recorder was hand-held about 6" from the front panel of the Hercules.
> Thanks for listening,
> Steve G3TXQ 

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