[TenTec] Omni VI Keyer

Peter Inskeep pinskeep at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 18 09:50:02 EST 2008

Assuming that the Option III is very similar to the Plus, press the st button in the upper right hand corner of the front panel.  Then press the cw button.  when both are depressed the upper right part of the dial, to the right of the frequency readout, will show the internal keyer speed.  Below that is what I call weight, with 1.00 being "normal" and something above that being progressively "heavier."

If the Option III is different than the plus, someone else will have to chime in.

pete, no2d.

Ken Brown <ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net> wrote: Was not aware that there is a CW speed readout on the Omni VI. How do I 
get that displayed on my Omni VI? Mine is Option 3.

>  Omni VI,  
> problem with the internal keyer.  I Have read the posts about slight  variations in 
> keyer speed and how to modify to correct.  However, my keyer  has begun taking 
> extreme excursions in speed, like from less than ten wpm to  probably near 
> forty wpm.
> The keyer speed readout just flickers and will not give any meaningful  speed 
> reading.
> Wondering if anyone has experienced this condition, and what could be the  
> cause?

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