[TenTec] Titan 425 shelved for 10 years

John Pelham john at radiophile.com
Tue Feb 19 17:30:38 EST 2008

Several of the HV electrolytics in my Titan 425 failed two weeks ago.  At 
first I looked for exact replacements for the Mallory CGS originals.  As of 
last week, Digi-Key and Newark didn't have them.  Mouser listed them ($23 
each) but did not have them in stock.  Allied had them in stock at $21.

I ended up deciding not to go with exact replacements but with an upgrade. 
I replaced them all with 105C-rated 470uF Nichicon caps, much smaller than 
the originals.  It required some small mechanical mods to make them work, 
but my Titan is now humming along nicely again.  I also replaced all the 2W 
carbon composition bleeder resistors (they had all drifted higher in value 
by varying amounts) with 3W flameproof metal film resistors.

John W1JA

John Pelham
E-mail   john at radiophile.com
Web site   http://www.radiophile.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dr. Gerald N. Johnson" <geraldj at storm.weather.net>
To: "DC" <daclark56 at hotmail.com>
Cc: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Titan 425 shelved for 10 years

> On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 13:58 -0500, DC wrote:
>> Hi Doc Johnson (sorry, I just had to!) what is a good source for the
>> electrolytics?  Could you possible supply me with a part number, 
>> location,
>> or url please.
>> Thank you very much.
>> 73
>> KD8Z
> I grab my Mouser catalog first. I like the Vishay-Sprague products. Just
> scanning the catalog, probably their 36DY or 36DX series if screw
> terminal computer grade. I see also Mallory CGS and Cornell Dubilier
> DCMC computer grades. For axial lead types, the Sprague Atoms type TVA
> have been good. www.mouser.com
> Then I check Digi-Key www.digi-key.com. Have to spend more money with
> them to keep getting the full catalog but its all on line, just slow at
> 28K dial up.
> I've had troubles with Newark and they are way down my list. Allied also
> has a good selection but they believe in higher prices. Both Allied and
> Newark are slow to deliver. I've found I can get my parts from Mouser or
> Digi-Key (surcharge for orders under $25 the last I looked) faster than
> I could get quotes from Allied or Newark and I used to have an account
> at Newark. After they treated me poorly a few years back, I told their
> local rep about how I was treated and that the devil would be looking
> for hot coffee or they would be the only place in the world that had the
> part I needed before I ordered again. And now its rare that I get their
> catalog. She remembers.
> 73, jerry, K0CQ
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