[TenTec] Omni VII NOW on the web

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Fri May 2 13:29:01 EDT 2008


Many thanks for those ( Al, John, especially!) that helped me getting  
the IP address and what nots set up for the Omni VII network project.

I can now say, the results are in and my Omni VII is now on line!!

I have yet to transmit audio through it, as I don't have a windows  
laptop to take to the local hot spot.  (Any plans on a mac version??)

What a project that turned out to be. It's not simple, but on the  
other hand, it's not brain surgery either. The hardest part was  
setting all the IP address on the ethernet cards and the LAN I use at  
my QTH.

This weekend, I'll post  my external IP address so those that want to  
give it a try can. I'll be here to do the control operator function.

in the meantime, download the ONE PLUG GUI from RF squared and get it  
installed  on your computer.

Mike, WB8VGE
SunLight Energy Systems
The Heathkit Shop
J e e p
Note: No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a  
large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced

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