[TenTec] Balun Isolator

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Wed May 7 23:16:56 EDT 2008

I had not thought much about the similarity of names, but I do that all 
the time, too.

Jerry Sevick wrote originally for QST on short vertical Antennas, and 
did books on Baluns and Ununs, first for ARRL, then later for World Radio.

The recent SK, L. B. (Roy) Cebik, W4RNL, has a distinguished web site of 
Antenna topics, including some on accessory items to antennas.  This 
site maintained by his publisher, Antennex magazine, will be maintained 
by Jack Stone the magazine publisher.  L. B. also had a regular column 
in QEX published by ARRL.  I don't know how far ahead those column 
pieces are done, so there may be a few in the pipeline for each magazine.

I was reviewing some antenna reviews I did years back, that L. B. liked, 
tonite.  We corresponded on a number of antennas of common interest, or 
new antennas my lab has been developing for sponsors.  L. B. was an 
expert on modeling; we had him advise on our Folded Conical Helical, 
that has never been completely modeled by present Method of Moments 


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