[TenTec] Balun Isolator

Jim WA9YSD wa9ysd at yahoo.com
Wed May 7 23:01:17 EDT 2008

Ok,   some of what you said I have seen before.  Makes sense. 

You know the term balun is just too loose of a term and covers a lot of ground and leaves it open for miss interpretation.

Choke is a good descriptor.  Make a choke out  of coax cable just wrapped around a plastic 5 lbs coffee can sounds pretty good.

Balun Isolator describes what you want to make or do but covers some ground as well.

I do not know about every one else, but the balun discussion sure has helped me out in understanding what I am doing  now, what I have done in the past that did not work very well, and what worked in the past and did not know why it ever did.

These isolators, from what I have seen is working for me.  What I have all so seen was with multiple antennas on a single switch is that one antenna has more RFI than another and I need to add an isolator of some sort to be put on that antenna before it goes to the switch.  I have one choke isolator at the antenna tuner and I finally saw what antenna was giving me a problem.  Just amazing to see something that works the way it is suppose to.  Before I did that, I could not tell which one or all of them were giving me problems.

 Keep The Faith, Jim K9TF/WA9YSD

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