[TenTec] DX radios
Reg Unsworth
reg.unsworth at btopenworld.com
Sat May 31 16:38:54 EDT 2008
This is getting ridiculous - on that basis you can get #1 on honor roll.
Get real.
----- Original Message -----
From: "john ferro" <foxbat426 at hotmail.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] DX radios
how about this: the rig, the operators skills and then and only then the
antenna system! you could twist it anyway you want!> From:
kc4atu at hotmail.com> To: tentec at contesting.com> Date: Sat, 31 May 2008
15:33:11 +0000> Subject: Re: [TenTec] DX radios> > > Antenna system,
Operator skills, then and only then the Rig.> > 73 and good DX > Bill
KC4ATU> From: foxbat426 at hotmail.com> To: tentec at contesting.com> Date: Sat,
31 May 2008 10:57:38 -0400> Subject: Re: [TenTec] DX radios> > > larry, what
i am talking about is all things considered equal, the OII won't hear
anything more than the rigs i mentioned, plus many others. read - all things
considered equal. yes some operators are more persistent than others, some
will give a signal a chance, some won't - so like you say there are weak
links - but all things considered equal. the OII is a fine rig, but way to
much credance is given to the rig - maybe that is what the original poster
was trying to say. by the way larry the cable guy is way better than ron
white! i have to say ron white is the "weak link" in that trio.> > 73, john>
From: W1GOR at maine.rr.com> To: tentec at contesting.com> Date: Sat, 31 May 2008
10:25:05 -0400> Subject: Re: [TenTec] DX radios> > John, I am not trying to
be facetious when I repeat this ancient saying... > "A chain is no stronger
than it's weakest link"... RF is not worth a > plug-nickel if it's not
properly launched into and received from the > atmosphere. A rig that can
pull a weak signal out of a pileup is most > desirable. Good audio and a
great 'fist' will surely get someone's > attention. But, operators who are
courteous, persistent, and patient will > make the most of just about any
lashup of equipment, antennas, and band > conditions will get the job
done... We've all seen the setups on field > day... Jury-rigged antennas,
intermittent power supplies, and endless > supplies of flies, mosquitoes,
and rain, heat, no sleep, and the immutable > laws of Murphy, never seems to
discourage the operator who really want to > have a great time working under
adverse conditions. ...and yet, there are > the LIDS, the MORONS, and the
RUDE. My favorite line from the 'Blue Collar > Comedy Tour' is one of Ron
White's lines..."YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID..!!!"> > In the TV broadcast industry,
there are 'chains'... the audio chain, and the > video chain... and each
chain is no stronger that the weakest link in that > chain...> > vy 73,
Larry - W1GOR> > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "john ferro"
<foxbat426 at hotmail.com>> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"
<tentec at contesting.com>> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 7:22 PM> Subject: Re:
[TenTec] DX radios> > > > ok point taken - but nothing substitutes for a
great antenna - period! there > are some instances where all the bells and
whistles will get the station - > they are far and few between though - i've
got to laugh at all the operators > working an OII or elecraft K3 or some
other megabuck top end rig and > thinking they have the ultimate station
because of the rig - yet their > antenna is a half hearted piece of wire or
half hearted vertical with 10 > radials that they say can work all the
bands - i'll take the cheapo 200 rig > with a properly designed antenna
system installed correctly vs. the 5000.00 > rig and a 100.00 worth of wire
or "second thought" antenna system anyday.> > john> Date: Fri, 30 May 2008
19:07:38 -0400> From: roncasa at verizon.net> To: > tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] DX radios> > Kc9cdt at aol.com > wrote:> > > >> > Just
the other day I was tryuing to work a DX station. Had > the Collins on. > >
Heard him, but coul not copy him. He was pretty weak 4-4 > maybe in the
clear.. > > BUT he was not in the clear. Someone was 2 Khz away > and very
strong.> >> > I turned on the OII, did some work with AGC, > bandwidth and
High cut.> > BINGO, clear copy. I worked him.> >> > > > > > > Thank you for
proving my point:> > Guys can boast what rigs they have and it > don't mean
a thing if they do > not know enough to use it.> > again, it's > the
operator.> > Thank you> > Peace> Ron> >
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