[TenTec] Ten Tec Orion II Beta Testing

wa3fiy at radioadv.com wa3fiy at radioadv.com
Sun Nov 2 14:39:42 EST 2008

Here's what I do Bill.  

Select PBT mode on the PBT/BW control.  Select H CUT on the H/L CUT 
control.  The PBT is now (of course) PBT.  The H CUT becomes the BW 
(bandwidth) control.  So the H/LCUT control does indeed become useful.

Don't think there is any way to assign it to RF GAIN but I have the MULTI 
control assigned to RF GAIN nearly all the time.  Wish TT would make an 
option to assign the RFG function to the AFG function as I rarely use AF 
GAIN.   Oh well..........I imagine there are about 27,000 different preferences 
on control placement/assignment. More flexibility would be nice though as I 
very rarely touch any of the three lower encoders in the AF/RIT row and 
could use another one or two multipurpose encoders.

Not complaining though.  The Orion is still a better transceiver than I can 
take advantage of.



On 1 Nov 2008 at 15:22, bill ogden wrote:

> I am still looking for something useful to do with the H/L Cut control.  
I would love to assign it for RF gain.
> Bill - W2WO
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