[TenTec] Argoanaut II/Delta dispaly backlight

waltk8cv4612amos at att.net waltk8cv4612amos at att.net
Mon Feb 2 20:26:58 EST 2009

Go to


and ask for a catalog.

The thing you want is called an ELECTROLUMINESCENT STRIP

ON page 7 of an old catalog, cat# EL-5, and cost a whopping $3.50 !! Get two 
and you will have a spare and when you have a spare you will never need 
another strip :-) Gompersons law !!

Oh, you will need to drop the front panel, not all the way off, just loosen 
the screws after taking off the top and bottom covers ! With the front panel 
near the edge of your desk just remove the top side screws and loosen the 
bottom side screws if I remember right and it will tilt down enough for you 
to see what has to be done. I believe the old strip is a bit longer but it 
slides out after you remove the wire powering it and slide the new one it 
and attach the wire back up to it ! Bingo , green light for $3.50 ! Good as 
new !

Walt K8CV Royal Oak, MI.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Günter" <guenter at dc1ba.org>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 4:21 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Argoanaut II/Delta dispaly backlight

> Hello
> can anybody tell me, how can I replace the Backlight of Argonaut II,
> like Bob Towers. What must I do to replace it.
> vy 73 de DC1BA, Guenter
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