[TenTec] And STILL waiting
Ken Scheper
kenshep at one.net
Mon Feb 23 22:49:51 EST 2009
OMG ..... ! How long does a strain have to go on ?????
I would say to limit ALL strains for 7 days. There has been nothing more of
benefit after that. Other hams I have spoken with have mentioned the same
problem, some have exited, some have not. I would say to take the reply off
of the strain to the person making the specific comment ...It doesn't need
to go to everyone. I really don't give 2 hoots about the O2, but enjoy more
the Jupiter. If I ask a question, just reply to me please.
Everyone doesn't need to hear evrything.
My dime ... let the barbs fly... but don't clutter my inbox.
Ken Scheper
KS Consulting, Ltd.
Tel. 513-490-1633
Fax 513-598-6887
From: "Jim M." <jmiller1706 at cfl.rr.com>
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 22:38
To: <wn3vaw at verizon.net>; "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'"
<tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] And STILL waiting
> There have been some comparisons to Icom radios. Yes they are pretty and
> complex with more buttons than any reasonable person could remember - only
> out-buttoned by Yaesu. I have owned several Icom radios from years back.
> IC-745, IC-275H (2M), IC-R7000 (VHF Rx), and lastly IC-775DSP. Every one,
> without exception, had to be returned to the dealer or factory for repair
> within the first month of use. Various problems, from a broken encoder in
> the 775, to power supply fault in the 745, synthesizer problems, etc. etc.
> The 775 has been having failures lately with tuner motorsm SMD devices,
> etc.
> It's an old rig but a good one, but the service centers have been
> challenged
> to service it well. I finally had to ship it to an independent service
> house (MTS). Meanwhile I bought an O2 for a look see. I like it, but
> agree
> that the NB doesn't work as smoothly as the Icom and tends to be more
> sensitive to distortion caused by strong nearby signals. But I still like
> it on CW it is grand.
> My opinion is Icom tends to dump their new products on the owners and lets
> them test it, then repairs and fixes designs as needed. I have heard (not
> verified) that the 7800 has been plagues by final transistor failures in
> early life. So Icom is not perfect by any means, and maybe I am a rare
> case. But I don't appreciate having products prematurely dumped on me so
> I
> can help wring the bugs out. Maybe TT is deliberately taking the opposite
> approach...take more time and try to get all the bugs out before releasing
> a
> product.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
> On Behalf Of Ron Notarius W3WN
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 10:18 PM
> To: John Frazier; Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] And STILL waiting
> Jack?
> OK... key here is that (a) the beta for the Orion II is completed, but (b)
> it won't be released until the Orion update is completed, and (c) the beta
> on that STARTED on January 19.
> So... where did this expectation of a release last week come from?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Frazier [mailto:fraz1 at bellsouth.net]
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 9:59 PM
> To: wn3vaw at verizon.net; Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] And STILL waiting
> Hi Jack.....
> Thanks for the comments. As you know, they stated on their web site that
> an
> update was scheduled for Aug/Sep of 2008. Then in November, it was
> updated
> to "this Fall" (08),and said beta testing had started. In January 2009
> they
> stated the beta for the Orion II was tested and completed but would not be
> released until the Orion update was completed and beta on it started on
> Jan
> 19 2009.
> I did write a very courteous letter to the President (Jack). I included
> my
> email address and phone number. This was sent months ago.......no reply
> whatsoever.
> 73 John K4NP
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <wn3vaw at verizon.net>
> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 7:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] And STILL waiting
>> Just out of idle curiosity, as I read all the kvetching and moaning...
>> Has anyone contacted Scott or Stan directly & asked what the story is?
>> Or called Ten-Tec on their Skype number?
>> Because, with all due respect, it sounds to me (and others I talked with
>> at
>> the club hamfest yesterday) that outside of a reference to "the recent
>> email" (which, if it was on the reflector, I overlooked) last week, I
>> haven't seen anything that approaches or appears to approach a
>> "guarantee"
>> that there was going to be a firmware update last week.
>> Now, please understand... I am not unsympathetic to the situation. Far
>> from
>> it. And if -- IF -- a firm deadline or guarantee was actually made, and
>> missed without further explanation, then go right ahead and hold the feet
>> of
>> the guilty to the fire.
>> But can we at least verify the facts before the trash talk gets out of
>> hand?
>> Oh, and if any of the unsatisfied Orion or Orion II are interested, I
>> will
>> gladly trade you even up for that TS-480SAT I won at the Breezeshooter's
>> Hamfest last summer. I'll even throw in the narrow CW filter, the
>> 8-pin-to-RJ-45 mike adapter, and my MC-60 mike to boot...
>> 73, ron w3wn
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