[TenTec] Antenna question

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Wed Jan 21 23:05:32 EST 2009

I would change the length of the feed line by 20 or so feet.  Either add or 
take away.  I do hope the feed line is reasonably straight an if there is 
any excess is not in a "coil" somewhere.

Also, are you using a 4:1 balun or a 1:1 balun?  And are these voltage 
baluns or current baluns?  I find that 1:1 current baluns work better in 
most cases unless one is feeding something like a folded dipole where the 
impedance is close to 200 to 300 ohms.  In this case a 4:1 works better.

Based on what you describe, I suspect that you are using a 4:1 balun.  That 
device doing it's job and presuming the load Z at the feed line at the 
transmitter end is say 25 ohms then the 4:1 balun is making that look like 
6.25 ohms.  Most tuners have a  problem with this.  Therefore a 1:1 balun 
would present a 25 ohm load to the tuner.  Much better.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Sussman" <psussman at pactor.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:15 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Antenna question

> This may be a bit off-topic - If so please forgive me:
> I'm working with a fellow who has problems loading an 80M loop antenna 
> with
> ladder line and a tuner. His antenna is about 380ft and I think that it's 
> a bit
> short. I borrowed my Nye-Viking and the best that I can achieve is 3 to 1 
> match
> at 3800 KHz.
> At that point the tuner is applying MINIMUM capacitance. That makes me 
> think
> that a longer antenna length is needed.
> As an aside 40m loads no better 2.5 to 1, but 30m loads up OK.
> If I take his balanced line and feed it as a long wire (one end 
> unterminated)
> the system loads up just fine on 40m and 80m, but it is obviously 
> unbalanced.
> Any quick hints appreciated -- I'm not the best with HF antennas.
> PS. My 80m loop antenna is 420ft long and loads as balanced just fine.
> de Phil - N8PS
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