[TenTec] Omni VI Mod 3 and RTTY
Tim Randa
tranda at cox.net
Mon Jan 26 22:20:01 EST 2009
A quick question on the subject. Why bother with the FSK when AFSK gets
the job done with much less hassle. Is there an advantage to FSK that I
as a extremely casual RTTY user haven't a clue about?
de Tim KØFL
Bob McGraw - K4TAX wrote:
> I too used my Omni VI Plus on FSK. The 250 Hz filter worked will with the
> PBT properly adjusted. The manual covers the alignment of the PBT circuit.
> One extremely important point in using FSK is that the BFO oscillators need
> to be very precisely aligned. Follow the steps in the manual in their exact
> order. You probably will find it necessary to do this 2 or 3 times as there
> is some interaction with the adjustments. Also, a frequency counter that
> can read something in the order of 9 MHz to a resolution of 0.1 Hz is of
> great help and almost a necessity. For better results, be sure the radio is
> operating at room temperature for at least 1/2 hr with the covers in place
> before making these adjustments.
> After doing all of this, I too found AFSK was much easier to use. Took the
> audio IN and OUT from the connectors on the back panel and I let the VOX
> handle the RX/TX switching.
> 73
> Bob, K4TAX
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ed" <w3nr at comcast.net>
> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 3:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Omni VI Mod 3 and RTTY
>> Jerry Pyle wrote:
>>> I am in the process of setting up my station to run RTTY, preferably FSK.
>>> My Omni VI Mod3 has all of the filter slots filled and upon inspection I
>>> found that there is not a 217 filter amongst the bunch.
>>> I have been on the searchable archives looking for a possible Inrad
>>> filter
>>> that will work in place of the 217 (which we all know TenTec no longer
>>> makes) or another workable solution using my existing 500hz filters.
>>> Jerry - WB7S
>>> Basin, WY
>>> http://wb7s.home.bresnan.net
>>> 73
>> I use my Omni6 on RTTY without a problem. Had a 217 and sold it, too
>> narrow. Use LSB and your 500hz filter(s) and you won't have a problem.
>> FSK is fine as long as the 2 xtals are 170Hz apart, any more/less you
>> will not be happy. I use AFSK and as long as it is set right you won't
>> have any problems.
>> If you do use FSK, the PBT needs to be set at 3 o'clock.
>> All that is needed for the FSK keying cicuit is a 1K resistor in series
>> with the TXD line.
>> Ed W3NR
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