[TenTec] Omni VI Mod 3 and RTTY

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Mon Jan 26 21:27:32 EST 2009

I too used my Omni VI Plus on FSK.  The 250 Hz filter worked will with the 
PBT properly adjusted.  The manual covers the alignment of the PBT circuit.

One extremely important point in using FSK is that the BFO oscillators need 
to be very precisely aligned.  Follow the steps in the manual in their exact 
order.  You probably will find it necessary to do this 2 or 3 times as there 
is some interaction with the adjustments.  Also, a frequency counter that 
can read something in the order of 9 MHz to a resolution of 0.1 Hz is of 
great help and almost a necessity.  For better results, be sure the radio is 
operating at room temperature for at least 1/2 hr with the covers in place 
before making these adjustments.

After doing all of this, I too found AFSK was much easier to use.  Took the 
audio IN and OUT from the connectors on the back panel and I let the VOX 
handle the RX/TX switching.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed" <w3nr at comcast.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Omni VI Mod 3 and RTTY

> Jerry Pyle wrote:
>> I am in the process of setting up my station to run RTTY, preferably FSK.
>> My Omni VI Mod3 has all of the filter slots filled and upon inspection I
>> found that there is not a 217 filter amongst the bunch.
>> I have been on the searchable archives looking for a possible Inrad 
>> filter
>> that will work in place of the 217 (which we all know TenTec no longer
>> makes) or another workable solution using my existing 500hz filters.
>> Jerry - WB7S
>> Basin, WY
>> http://wb7s.home.bresnan.net
>> 73
> I use my Omni6 on RTTY without a problem. Had a 217 and sold it, too
> narrow. Use LSB and your 500hz filter(s) and you won't have a problem.
> FSK is fine as long as the 2 xtals are 170Hz apart, any more/less you
> will not be happy. I use AFSK and as long as it is set right you won't
> have any problems.
> If you do use FSK, the PBT needs to be set at 3 o'clock.
> All that is needed for the FSK keying cicuit is a 1K resistor in series
> with the TXD line.
> Ed W3NR
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