[TenTec] Weak Output from 706 Microphone and your recommendations.

John T. Fleming john at w3gqj.net
Wed Jul 22 12:03:33 PDT 2009

Have you looked at turning up the volume through the hole in the bottom of
the Orion?  There is an audio pot behind the User 2 button.


-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Paul K.
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 10:53 AM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Weak Output from 706 Microphone and your recommendations.

I have a model 706 desk mic that has lost most of the out put. It still 
has output, but I must run the Mic Gain on the Orion 1 up to 50 to 75, 
and it will drive the VOX marginally. I have replaced the element with 
one I purchased from Ten Tec.  Still the out put level is very low.  I 
just checked with Paul Clinton in the Service Department on purchasing a 
new board.  He tells me the boards are not available, but he could run 
it through the shop at $60.00 an hour.  Probably in the neighborhood of 
$120.00 for the repair. 
So, the question is, has any one had this experience with the 706, and 
if so what was the fix?  Secondly, I would like recommendations on a 
replacement mic for the Orion 1.  I seldom us SSB as I op mostly CW, but 
when I do op SSB I like a desk mic.  So what are the recommendations?

Paul K
TNX ... es ... 73S ... de ... WA0BAG
DIT  ..  ..DIT

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