[TenTec] humm

Thu Nov 26 07:01:52 PST 2009

OK... makes sense, especially from the practical side of life.
Yet, TenTec told me not to run any extra ground wires until
I encountered a problem that grounding like that could solve,
and so far  (picture me knocking on wood and chanting several
good luck mantras....) I have had no problems that would solve,
so following the KISS method, I have not grounded the gear.

And yet... I acknowledge the user manuals always say to ground
the stuff.  

Crazy, eh?

==============  Richards - K8JHR  ====================

On 26 Nov 2009 at 19:58, Walt K8CV wrote:

> The reason for no daisy chain is that some piece of equipment will
> be moved 
> and the link broken and not fixed and some gear is left ungrounded.
> Most 
> manufacturers want you to run separate ground wires to a common
> ground BUSS 
> which is connected to the power line ground.
> Walt k8cv Royal Oak, MI.

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