[TenTec] Corsair ,help with cw filter!

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Fri Nov 27 17:05:14 PST 2009

Tuning the PBT too quickly through the passband of the narrow filter is 
my first guess too.

 I don't know a lot about the Corsair, so there is a good chance I'm 
about to say something that applies to Omni VI (which I am familiar 
with) and does not apply to the Corsair. Beware!

When you use a narrow filter in the first IF things work differently 
than when the only narrow filters are in the second and shiftable IF.

(I am guessing the Corsair has a second IF that can be shifted in 
frequency using a Pass Band Tuning control, like the Omnis, based on 
Lee's previous response to your question.)

When you have a real wide first IF filter, and a narrower filter 
selected in the shiftable second IF, you can use the PBT (or IF Shift) 
control to sort of select what audio tone you would like to hear, within 
the limits of the first IF bandwidth. This is the way my old Kenwood 
TS-440 worked. The first IF filter was broad as a barn door, so when 
using a narrow filter in the second IF, the IF Shift control acts like 
an audio tone preference selector. A Ten-Tec Omni will work the same way 
as long as you have a wide filter in the first IF and a narrow filter in 
the second IF. If both filters are narrow, the PBT (or IF Shift) control 
adjustment can no longer be set to anywhere in a wide range to choose 
the audio tone you like. It has to be set inside the narrow range that 

    When the first IF has a narrow filter selected, then the second IF 
bandpass has to coincident with the first IF bandpass in order for any 
signals to get through both IFs and to the product detector. This 
concept can be a little bit hard to understand, because the two IFs are 
operating at completely different frequencies. How can the bandpasses of 
the two IFs be coincident with each, other when they are not anywhere 
near the same frequencies? One way to think of it is to imagine the part 
of the received spectrum, the frequency of the signals coming in from 
your antenna, you want to hear, that is passed by each IF filter.

 Your main tuning knob moves the frequency that is passed by both IFs 
simultaneously, by moving the first local oscillator. The PBT or IF 
Shift control only moves what passes through the second IF.  Only when 
you get the second local oscillator (the one controlled by the PBT knob) 
set so that both IF bandpasses converted by the local oscillators 
corresponding to the same incoming frequency at the antenna input, will 
you get signals turned into audio by the product detector.

The signal has to make it through both narrow IF filters for you to hear 
it. To pass through both filters they must both be passing signals 
coming from the same part of the spectrum at the antenna input.

Try adjusting the PBT control slowly for maximum noise. When you find 
the right setting, the tone of the noise is the tone of signals you'll 
be able to hear. Leave the PBT at that setting and adjust the main 
tuning to find a signal.


3fiy at radioadv.com wrote:
> Gil, maybe you are tuning the PBT through the passband window too quickly 
> and missing the signal.  The passband is pretty narrow with the 217 filter 
> and you may zip right through it.  Find a good signal and tune the PBT 
> slowly and see if the signal pops out at some point.
> Good luck and 73,
> -Lee-
> On 27 Nov 2009 at 14:24, g p wrote:
>> Installed the 217 cw filter in my Corsair 1 but when switched to the
>> filter position the gain drops considerably and there is white noise,
>> I also tried a different 217 and the same thing lots of white noise
>> and only the stronger signals are heard, the weaker signals disappear
>> in the white noise and this is with the preamp on, also while in the
>> narrow mode the PBT does not function at all. This does not happens in
>> my Omni D-B or my Argosy.   Any thoughts?   Thanks, Gil
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