[TenTec] Loud fan PS 963

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Mon Sep 28 21:33:36 PDT 2009

I also did not like the intermittent fan noise, which only comes on occasionally, but is noisy when it does. 

I purchased an Astron RS-25M for the rig, and use the TT 963 supply for all my accessories, and the fan no longer comes on.  The radio seems happier with the beefier, linear supply.   The accessories are quite happy with more than enough juice available, and the fan never runs.  

Just MY take.

================  Richards -K8JHR  =======================

> ------------Original Message------------
> From: "Gary Hoffman" <ghoffman at spacetech.com>
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Loud fan PS 963

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