[TenTec] Best bang for the buck

Harry Coates WA8HC1 at charter.net
Thu Apr 1 09:08:07 PDT 2010

One more vote for the Pegasus!! 

I am a very lucky guy. I have a "Closet Kilowatt" with Omni VI ver 3, Hercules II, and 253 Auto Ant Tuner. Plus a Pegasus/RX320. The Omni VI is dedicated to SSB and the Pegasus is dedicated to Digital, (RTTY). I share the Herc II and 253 with any radio I might have. 

The Pegusus with N4PY software is the winning "BFTB" for sure. You can do almost everything Amatuer Radio has to offer with the Pegasus. Try to find a package with Remote Pod, PS, Mike, Cords, Manual, and built in AT (w or w/o memory, doesn't really matter). You will enjoy it for a long time.  And, still have $$ in your pocket.  The problem will be to find one ?!  Mine will stay here as long as I do..

I wish you GL,

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