[TenTec] Timewave 599ZX-Omni VI Opt 3

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Mon Apr 26 21:12:11 PDT 2010

I use a Timewave DSP 599z  all the time.   It works fine...
PROVIDED you understand its limitations.

It WILL reduce random background noise and SOME QRM.
It WILL reduce or even eliminate some heterodynes,
squeals and tones.   It WILL act as an effective high and
low cut filter - and you can vary the low frequency and
high frequency roll off independently of each other.
You CAN vary how aggressive the it filters out noise, and it
has an AGC circuit that helps bring the voice or other signal
up out of the noise.

IT WILL NOT, however,  remove all noise and it will add a
certain amount of digital artifact and distortion to the
resulting signal.

Many use it to great advantage on RTTY, PSK, and digital modes.
Others like it for CW.    I use it for SSB all the time.

BUT AGAIN... it is no panacea for noise, and will not eliminate
all noise that you encounter on the HF bands.   Often it cannot
solve any problems at all.  Other times it causes more distortion
and artifact than it does good.   I would wanna be without it,
but I am cautious about recommending it to others because
they often have high expectations that will not be met.
I have tried many others, cheap to costly, and this is my
favorite.  You really need to experience one before you
should shell out the high price, to be sure you will not
be disappointed.

Bottom line - it can be an effective tool in reducing unwanted
noise, and can improve signal readability - in some, and not
all cases...   it is one tool in the tool box, but not a universal
fix.   There have been times when I could not complete a contact
without it... and other times, I turn it off entirely as not helpful.

I think I could send you some audio files if you like...
They would be examples... but only that, as not all
signals can be cleaned up equally.

Just MY take.    ===========  James //  K8JHR  ===========


> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 20:23:07 -0500, Art Trampler wrote:
>> Im curious if any of you have added a Timewave 599ZX


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