[TenTec] Replacment cw filter

Neal Laugman neal.laugman at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 09:18:58 PST 2010


> Neal, where can I get one of those "Money Trees" you have?

Hmmm - like all of us, they eventually wither away and die ... hi - and
rodger on the KVG filter. Maybe Mike is right; just add on an audio
filter. Even a passive LPF like KK7B designed for his High
Performance DC receiver (think it cuts off at (1000 hz with a very
sharp skirt). Bill Kelsey at:


sells the single board + components for $15. I built one and it's
unbelievable and not much insertion loss. I'd rather do that than mess
around with op amps (again). There was some serious engineering that
went into those LPFs.

Neal, NL7VL

On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 10:36:24 -0600
"Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP" <Rick at DJ0IP.de> wrote:

> Neal, where can I get one of those "Money Trees" you have?
> I have built my own 245 (on a breadboard), worked great of course,
> but I have also built other cheap audio filter kits and inserted them
> the same way.  Worked great too.  Using the original board is a
> nice-to-have luxury, but in no way improves the results over the
> bread-boarded version.


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