[TenTec] New Eagle vs. Used Omni VII

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 05:37:58 PST 2010

I think I would be torn between a new Eagle and a used Orion.  And that
would take the dynamic range issue right out of the picture.

73, Barry N1EU

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 1:28 PM, <kf6e at mail.com> wrote:

> Fellow Ten Tec admirers,
> I'm torn between a new Eagle and a used Omni VII.
> I do mostly casual operating, get on contests only to make contacts (never
> to compete), operate 160 to 6, do mostly CW and PSK, with some SSB and RTTY.
>  I'm thinking about trying remote operation just to see if I can catch a
> band opening during my lunch hour at work.
> The Eagle has 10 dB more dynamic range narrow spaced, but the sensitivity
> is about the same on both rigs.
> Does anyone have experience or opinions about which is the better rig?  I
> realize that I'd need to operate them for myself, but short of buying them
> both, that probably won't happen.
> Thanks.
> 73,
> Frank
> KF6E
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