[TenTec] High stability frequency reference oscillator for theOrion II

Linwood Davis linbdavis at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 5 18:10:57 PST 2010

Hi Hank,

This won't be a direct swap-out. The replacement is larger, has more 
pins, and is a surface mounted device. Also, to be adjustable, a trimmer 
circuit (simple) needs to be added.

pfizenmayer wrote:
> Hi Lin - Is that going to be a plug in oscillator to just be a swap out deal 
> ?
> I might be interested  if it is.  I need to do a careful check again - have 
> not looked at it for a couple years - but when first got my OII it was 
> incredible -- wayyyyyy better than the 565 which was about 15 - 20 cycles 
> from cold.But my recollection is that from cold it was only a couple cycles 
> in the OII. (I happened to have another little problem and TT sent me a 
> second OII that they said did not have that issue but it was identical - the 
> TCXO in it was very poor and did not solve my problem anyhow - so I returned 
> it an kept the first one .)
> I just looked at the A10 synthesizer schemamtic for the 565 and that TCXO is 
> 44.55 mhz.
> Incidentally some guys have put one of the little inch  computer boxer fans 
> in the compartment with the osc and claim it really helps. Another thing I 
> have thought about would be to just run 5 volts to the oscillator and leave 
> it on 24/7.
> Now onto another - many years ago I ran schedules from W8IFX - Cincinnati 
> Ohio - with W4IXC in Florida on MS on two meters .I also had a buddy W8SDJ 
> about 12 miles due east of me - we both had KW's on two and long yagis. We 
> set our frequencies about 500 cycles apart so he could identify which was 
> which and we would transmit at same time to K4IXC who was recording the two 
> signals on an old paper tape recorder . It was amazing how many times he 
> would hear one or the other but not both at the same time .Never did 
> understand that - sure does not seem to fit what we knew about meteor trails 
> back then anyhow.I just happened to find some of the old tapes that K4IXC 
> sent me a few weeks ago in a major clean out so it all came back. This was 
> done in early 1960's.

Wow, that's interesting!
> 73 de hank K7HP
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