[TenTec] What model does tentec start with using computercontrol?

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Mon Jan 25 21:07:26 PST 2010

The Omni VI and VI+ use regular RS-232 serial communications. If you 
have a regular serial port on your computer you do not need any level 
conversion. The pins used on the 25 pin D connector for TX data, RX data 
and data ground on the Omni VI are probably not standard, so you may 
need to build your own cable.

> The OMNI VI and VI+ both did computer control using a superset of the ICOM
> command set.  You can use any of the ICOM level converters to drive it, and
> in some software us the IC-735 profile to control many (most?) of the
> controllable features of the rig. 
(excuse me, I guess todays hams don't build dipoles or install 
connectors on their coax, so I guess you'll have to buy one)

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