[TenTec] TenTec OrionII vs Orion

Rsoifer at aol.com Rsoifer at aol.com
Wed Jul 21 07:36:19 PDT 2010

The Sherwood test data for the top receivers (K3, Flex 5000, Orion, Orion  
II) do not show what I would call major differences in performance from one 
to  another.  Given that, if value for money is used as a criterion, I 
suppose  the K3 would win, followed by a used 565 Orion.  That said, my  Orion II 
is not for sale.  
73 Ray W2RS
In a message dated 7/21/2010 1:17:48 P.M. GMT Standard Time,  
it5tntweb at aliceposta.it writes:

Which  are the true improvements from orion to orion II? 
We omit lcd to colors or  the processore faster, we speak 
about the improvements of performances  
that can be felt from a model to the other.
Better the receiver, better  audio in ssb? What?
73 Simone  IZ5DKJ

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