[TenTec] Delta II -- Good/Bad

Bill Acito W1PA w1pa at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 3 16:27:40 PDT 2010

I've read the 8 reviews on eham, so I'll pose this to those of you who have 
the rig and use it on a regular basis: Why should I own this rig?

Let me re-phrase that: Considering the rigs Omni VI and older, is there a 
reason to own this rig, versus say an Omni VI, a Corsair, an Omni C, or the 
original Delta, other than the general coverage receiver? Anything "special" 
or "classic" about this rig? Was this a "gem" despite the QST review?

I wanna hear it from the folks that own them now, or owned them and sold 
them...  not second hand. (I have a VI+, OmniC, Argosy, Scout, and a couple 
of Yaesiconwood rigs with general coverage RX's, btw.)

Bill W1PA


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