[TenTec] New software

Harry G McGavran Jr w5pny at arrl.net
Sat Jun 5 08:03:22 PDT 2010

There are a number of things I like about 2.043B -- one seems to be
that the CAT interface seems a tab more robust.  I might just be
dreaming it, but I've written a number of programs for my Orion II
that use the CAT interface and one problem has always been that
if one is sending a long sequence of commands that don't generate
responses to the Orion, some of the commands are not executed
by the Orion.  Increasing the delay between commands helps, the
the delays required seem to vary in not so predictable ways.
That problem SEEMS to be better than with 2.039d.

BUT -- I really really dislike to new NR algorithm -- particularly
as it affects the side-tone, even with the NR off.  After a couple
days of operating with 2.043B, I finally had enough and went
back to 2.039d.  It seems to me the new NR algorithm is doing things
even when NR is off...  I hope the next release either reverts to
the old NR algorithm or gives the user a choice of which one he wants.
In any case, the side-tone is atrocious unless kept at very low levels
and/or NR is invoked at fairly high levels.  For those of us in
very quiet locations, that drives me nuts.

      Harry, W5PNY


Harry G. McGavran, Jr.

E-mail: w5pny at arrl.net

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