[TenTec] Bandwidth, Mode, Storage of values

Rsoifer at aol.com Rsoifer at aol.com
Sat Jun 19 10:23:44 PDT 2010

I like Gary's toggle idea, possibly in the RX menu which already has an  
on/off toggle for BW tracking.
73 Ray W2RS
In a message dated 6/19/2010 4:17:08 P.M. GMT Standard Time,  
ghoffman at spacetech.com writes:

Well  John Henry has described exacty how it "works."  Whether this is  
"wrong" or not depends on whether you agree with the design  philosophy.

The idea implicity desscribed by John is that changes you  may make in the 
heat of battle are possibly  (likely ?) for the  purpose of picking
out a specific station in specific  circumstances.

It may not follow that you then want these settings to  become your new 

You may have you defaults set to pick out  "most" stations, under the "most 
common" circumstances.

So you may  want to later resume, using your usual defaults and not the 
(possibly)  temporary new settings.

If so, then the present sceme is just the  ticket.  (Once you know that 
is how it works.)

So I'm not  sure we want/need a change.  Or....maybe just a toggle to turn 
this  feature on/off....or to switch permanently from one sceme
to the  other.

Personally I would not characterize the present scheme as  "broken" or 
"wrong" - but it was clearly misunderstood by many  people.

John  has cleared up the misunderstanding part.

73  de Gary, AA2IZ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "N4PY2"  <n4py2 at earthlink.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"  <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:24  AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Bandwidth, Mode, Storage of values

>  It sounds like John Henry has described exactly what is wrong with the
>  bandwidth setting and what needs to be fixed to make it work correctly.  
> To
> me it seems that a band register store command needs to be  done anytime 
> the
> bandwidth is changed after a second or so  from a timer.
> Carl Moreschi N4PY
> 121 Little Bell  Dr
> Hays, NC 28635
> www.n4py.com
> -----  Original Message ----- 
> From: "Gary Hoffman"  <ghoffman at spacetech.com>
> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"  <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 11:23  PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Bandwidth, Mode, Storage of  values
>> An excellent and timely  reponse.   Thanks John Henry.
>> 73 de Gary,  AA2IZ
>> ----- Original Message -----  
>> From: "Henry, John" <jhenry at tentec.com>
>> To:  "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
>>  Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 10:46 AM
>> Subject: [TenTec] Bandwidth,  Mode, Storage of values
>>> I've been  watching the discussion on bandwidth getting saved, not
>>>  getting saved, and can provide a few comments that might show  why
>>> certain people are saying that these are working fine, and  that others
>>> say they are  broken.
>>> Two things to keep in  mind.....
>>> 1 - Band Registers are only stored when the band or  band register
>>> changes.
>>> 2 - Mode-Specific BW  registers are only stored when the MODE is  
>>> When powering back on, the last  bandstack that the rig was on will be
>>>  recalled.
>>> This means that the bandwidth for the mode used on  that bandstack will
>>> be recalled.
>>> For example,  do the following:
>>> Turn on the rig.
>>> Make sure  that the Main RX LED is lit (if not, press Main RX button)
>>> Go  to 20Mtrs Bandstack A register by pressing 20.
>>> Set the main  frequency to 14.250
>>> Set the mode to USB
>>> Set  the BW to 2410
>>> Now press 20 continually to get back around to  20mtrs Bandstack A.
>>> You will notice that the mode and the BW  were whatever they were on B,
>>> C, D (in my test case, after a  master reset, they will all show
>>> 14.250, USB,  BW=3000)
>>> When you get back around to 20mtrs Bandstack A the  values revert to
>>> 14.250, USB, BW=2410.
>>> Power  off the rig.
>>> Power it back on.
>>> It will show  14.250, USB, BW=2410 on 20mtrs Bandstack A. (not the 
>>>  default
>>> 3000)
>>> Now, change BW to  2390
>>> Power off the rig
>>> Power it back  on.
>>> You will notice that it still reverts to 14.250, USB,  BW=2410 on
>>> 20mtrs Bandstack A.
>>> The reason is  the last time the 20mtrs Bandstack A was saved, the USB
>>> BW was  2410.
>>> Change Mode to UCW.
>>> Change the bandwidth  to 900
>>> Now press 20 continually to get back around to 20mtrs  Bandstack A.
>>> You will notice that the mode and the BW were  whatever they were on B,
>>> C, D (for me, or after a master  reset, they will all show 14.250, USB,
>>>  BW=3000)
>>> When you get back around to 20mtrs Bandstack A the  values revert to
>>> 14.250, UCW, BW=900.
>>> Power  off the rig
>>> Power it back on.
>>> My rig came back  up with 20mtrs Bandstack A set at 14.250, UCW, 
>>> So we  have seen that bandstack changes can cause the bandstack data  to
>>> get stored.
>>> Changing from 20mtrs Bandstack  A to 40mtrs Bandstack X will do the 
>>> So a quick way to  save the bandstack settings before you power off is
>>> to "go  somewhere else then back". This could be simply pressing a
>>>  different band's button, then back to the one you are on, or  by
>>> cycling through the bandstack you are on getting back to  the A/B/C/D
>>> you want to power up on.
>>> BW is set  to something you typically use in a bandstack register, and
>>> if  you change it for a given band condition or operating instance  that
>>> requires a tighter bandwidth, typically you will want to  revert to the
>>> normal value you usually use, not the adjusted  value. That is why BW
>>> is not stored just because you change  it. If you want it remembered as
>>> your bandwidth for that  bandstack register for that band, then "go
>>> somewhere else then  back.".
>>> User memories, when recalled, use the  same philosophy.
>>> They will remember the band that you are on,  and the band stack
>>> setting, which includes the mode. The last  mode for that bandstack
>>> that is saved also means the last BW  for that bandstack you were on.
>>> So if you store into USER 1  when you are at 14.250, USB, 2500,
>>> then change BW to 2800,  pressing USER 1 will revert to 2500. because
>>> 2500 was what was  stored for that bandstack, not 2800.
>>> You can see this easier  if you run a quick test where you set band
>>> stack A to USB  2490, bandstack B to USB 3020, bandstack C to USB 3030,
>>> and  bandstack D to USB 3040.
>>> Go back to bandstack A, press/hold  User 1.
>>> then go to B, press User 1.
>>> You will  see the BW will end up going to 3020, because that was the
>>>  last bw USB was at when on bandstack B.
>>> You will see similar  when you go to C with 3030 and D with 3040.
>>> User  recalls  are based on the freq/mode for the bandstack that you are
>>>  on.
>>> Can be confusing, but if you keep that concept in mind,  then you can
>>> get a lot of quick change flexibility out of  using the different
>>>  bandstacks.
>>> If you simply go to a mode, then  change the bandwidth, power off, back
>>> on, it will not remember  the new bandwidth value, but it will recall
>>> the last bandwidth  value stored in that bandstack for that mode.
>>>  If you have the Sub RX LED lit, then things can get more  complicated.
>>> That is another email at another  day.....
>>> So, for me, I try to keep it  simple.
>>> If I want to make sure things are remembered, I "go  someplace else
>>> then come back".
>>> If I want to  narrow the bw to pick someone out, but don't care if it
>>> is  remembered, then just power off.
>>> Hope that  helps,
>>> Thanks,
>>> John  Henry
>>> TenTec Engineering
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