[TenTec] wither CW
Bob Good
k4bg at planters.net
Wed May 26 06:58:29 PDT 2010
I hope some may enjoy this. I taught myself Morse from the Boy Scout
Handbook with no assistance, built my straight key with parts from an
erector set with a checker for a knob. I experimented and found how to make
my Knight Superhomer oscillate with the key. Then I started copying the
code from borrowed 78 rpm records. I became KN4VHC May 1 '58. On the air I
used a Navy type hand key for 3 months and graduated to a borrowed E.F.
Johnson bug until I purchased my Vibroplex Deluxe Original Feb '59 after
passing my General. I don't ever remember writing anything other that log
info during a QSO. Years passed and in about '80 I started playing with
electronic keyers, temporarily modified the bug for use as a single paddle.
Perhaps three years later I purchased a Vibroplex Deluxe Iambic paddle and
started learning to send Iambic method. That took a bit of learning and
Unlearning ! I use mode "B" only. Don't ask me how come! Iambic letters
are "C F K L Q R Y". I believe many hams purchase dual paddles and never
learn to use the Iambic functions. For me, it meant a huge difference in
comfort and speed. I don't think I am proficient enough to justify the
elite group of magnetic type keys. Accuracy, rhythm and Morse go hand in
hand and can make beautiful music. As for my old bug, it sits here
patiently awaiting joining me in my coffin someday. "73" to all CW Ops....
Bob K4BG
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