[TenTec] wither CW

N4PY2 n4py2 at earthlink.net
Wed May 26 15:02:58 PDT 2010

The new theories on learning morse point out a very important point about 
learning morse.  It is best to learn sounds immediately and never learn the 
sight of dots and dashes.  It goes like this.  Assume you study written down 
dots and dashes and commit them very well to memory.  Then you hear morse. 
You hear di dah and your brain converts that to dot dash and you recall dot 
dash is A.  So everytime you hear a letter, you do a double conversion. 
This is exactly what happens to anyone that learns morse as pictures of dots 
and dashes.  This works until you get to about 10 wpm or so and then you 
find you can't go any faster.  Then one day your brain figures out it can 
drop the dot dash pictures and you go from sound to letters immediately. 
And bam all of a sudden you can copy 15 to 20 wpm.

The best way to learn code is with a computer program that teaches you 
sounds immediately.  You never have to do the double conversion.  Your speed 
will go up much faster when starting out this way.

Carl Moreschi N4PY
121 Little Bell Dr
Hays, NC 28635

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Berg" <wa9jml at tbc.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] wither CW

>I first learned the code by studying it, as I recall, in the Boy's
> Second Book of Radio.  It showed the patterns in the code.  E,I, S, and
> H, for example.  I practiced in my head, learned the alphabet, and then
> started listening on the air with my command set receiver on 40 meters.
>  In high school, in the 1960's I could copy 35 words a minute or more
> in my head, but never learned to copy on paper.  When I went down to
> Chicago to take my General test, the code test consisted of code groups
> and south Pacific weather reports.  I could copy fine in my head, but
> did not write the material down fast enough.  A few weeks later, when I
> took my tech test, I did so at 12 words a minute.  I had practiced
> writing copy down on paper in the meantime.  Unfortunately, grad school
> and advancing age have taken their toll, and I can no longer easily copy
> fast in my head, but most of my operating is done on CW, even on VHF.
> I still have my Johnson Speed-x straight key, but normally use a single
> paddle Vibroplex vibrokeyer with the keyer built into my Corsair II.  I
> have several bugs, but have problems switching between the keyer and a
> bug.
> 73,
> Steve WA9JML
> On 5/26/2010 4:38 PM, Jim Brown K9YC wrote:
>> On Wed, 26 May 2010 13:15:51 -0700, jerome schatten wrote:
>>> memorize the letters, numbers, and
>>> standard punctuation and then, while riding the subway or the bus, sound
>>> out the adverts (in your head) in morse code for the whole trip. If you
>>> cant read those adverts to yourself in morse without mistakes or
>>> hesitation, you haven't worked hard enough on the memorization.
>> I did that too. I dont remember where I got the idea, but it worked for 
>> me.
>>> Learn what perfect code sounds like and learn to imitate it.
>> YES!
>> 73,
>> Jim K9YC
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