[TenTec] The Eagle
kc9cdt at aol.com
kc9cdt at aol.com
Mon Sep 27 04:46:12 PDT 2010
I'm worst than you...I want it all too!
I like the older tube stuff from the 50's and 60's AND I have an Orion
I actualy do work on and restore Drake & Collins gear as well.
I enjoy both types of gear for different reasons.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richards <jruing at ameritech.net>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Mon, Sep 27, 2010 1:47 am
Subject: Re: [TenTec] The Eagle
Rich -- I appreciate your position. Nevertheless, I think I
represent a different market segment.
Seems like everyone would create the new radio in 1) their own image,
and 2) make it as simple and traditional as possible, like their
old XXX or YYY rigs. I have no problem with that, because we are
all consumers, and each of us has his own agenda.
But, even though I, too, am a relatively new ham, I want brand new,
highly complex, and exciting gear with all the features, for
money. I DO NOT want simple, old fashioned, or used gear - even at a
low price. And even though I CAN certainly live without a panadapter
live band scope, I STILL WANT ONE.
Not all new hams want simple, cheap, used radios. The Omni VII is my
first transceiver, and I love using it, but I sometimes wonder whether
I should have opted for the Orion II, or some other rig, instead. I
not want a cheap "bargain" rig my friends say I should buy at the next
local swap meet or hamfest, and then cry because it does not work
right. Duh... why was the guy selling it...? If it was such a
rig, he would keep it, right? Maybe (not always) he is selling it
because it is ... well... busted. But I don't want old radios from
1960s - I want exciting, new, and high tech gear.
I played SWL and I waited 35 years to enter ham radio when I had both
time and money to do it up right. I did other stuff in the mean time,
and don't worry, I had a good time doing all of that. But, I am
of everyone trying to dummy down, cheap sell, and simplify ham radio.
I worked damn hard to be able to retire young and afford good gear. I
don't have a pension (I worked alone and made it all on my own) and
I want the GOOD STUFF - new, high tech, high quality; the latest and
greatest. I want it all. (How am I doing... got a pretty good rant
going, eh?) ;-)
And... Not all of us feel adapt or safe modifying a brand new radio -
spent nearly 30 years in a career that did not involve radio
technology... so I would prefer TenTec install the IF output jack and
then third parties or guys like Carl N4PY can take it from there. I
am now building every receiver kit TenTek makes, and I am learning to
fix my radios, and do home brew projects - but there is no crime in
being new at it.
I think adding an If output jack could easily be just the sort of
feature that can set the rig apart from its competition. You can bet
TT will lose sales if Kenwood has one on its new rig. Look how much
grief the Omni VII guys get because the K-3 has one. If the other
guys have it, and TT does not, it will cost TT sales -- not all sales,
but enough to significantly affect the bottom line.
So.... while some guys want simple, traditional, and familiar gear ...
I want new, complex, and high tech toys.
Different strokes for each of us. After all, we are just blowing off
steam on what we each would like to see, right? It's only talk, after
all. ;-)
Happy trails -- I am glad to hear your side, and thanks for listening
===================== James - K8JHR ==========================
On 9/26/2010 8:36 PM, Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP wrote:
> Maybe because it can't be built in this country for the price you are
> proposing...
> Not sure it can be built in any country for that price.
> When I became a ham, 48 years ago, I too began with used equipment.
> Couldn't afford a new rig.
> New hams don't need the performance of the Eagle to make contacts.
> The Eagle is a serious radio, and you just don't get one new for 700
> That's like saying, why can't someone build a good car for $5000? Or
> Someone said it earlier...the FT-450 is a great radio for the price.
> I think it's about $800 new.
> 73
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From:tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
> On Behalf Of Louis Ciotti
> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 7:27 PM
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] The Eagle
> Just my $0.02 worth....
> The eagle looks nice... simple controls, simple display... etc..
> Personally what I would like to see out of TenTec is a good entry
> HF+6M radio.
> I am what is considered a "new" ham. only been licenced a hand full
> years. My first HF radio was my grandfathers old model 540 (Triton
> And you know what... I love the simplicity of that radio. No menus,
> knobs on the front panel. I have often wondered why can't any
> make a nice entry level rig with a similar number of controls all on
> front panel. Include 4 filters, normal& narrow SSB and CW filters
> fixed BW on each. I am thinking a sort of "throwback" rig, but with a
> modern internal design. Simple Analog SWR meter, Digital frequency
> sensitive receiver, Tentec QSK, 5-100W output power, a NB... what
else would
> a new ham need, and priced around $500.
> I often hear how the "hobby is dieing" well hard to get people
involved in a
> hobby where an new "entry level" radio is priced over $700. Sure
there is a
> market for more expensive radios with more bells and whistles, but
there is
> a big hole for new hams still getting their feet wet. Sure there are
> used/older radios, but why not have a decent new radio with all the
> of newer modular designs, newer manufacturing styles, etc.... and
priced at
> a level that won't leave the new Tech stuck on 2M because a new HF
radio is
> out of his reach price wise.
> 73,
> Lou
> On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP<Rick at dj0ip.de>
>> Paul, I couldn't disagree more, although you are right :-)
>> For me, I don't give a hoot about a connection for a Pan adapter.
>> I need a radio, not a tv set.
>> I want to have a separate RX antenna input.
>> I want to have the ability to insert a preselector when I use the
radio in
>> Europe.
>> But you know what....I can install both of those myself. I don't
>> TenTec to do it for me. I have a drill.
>> My take, TenTec wanted to get the product to market as quickly as
> possible.
>> FULLY AGREE, they should make a few extra holes on the back panel.
>> But get the product on the market ASAP to stop the erosion away from
>> brand.
>> To my knowledge, this is the first Ten-Tec transceiver that does not
> 2
>> extra "spare" RCA phono plugs on the back panel. Too bad.
>> 73
>> Rick
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
>> On Behalf Of Paul Christensen
>> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 4:26 PM
>> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] The Eagle
>> Importance: High
>> Probably the most significant way to sway TS-590 purchasers over to
>> Eagle is to include a 9 MHz I.F. port for use with LP-PAN, SDR-IQ,
or QS1R
>> as a panadapter and second Rx. For the minimal manufacturing
effort, I
>> just
>> cannot see how this one significant feature could be overlooked with
>> full production unit. At the very least, a panel hole for a BNC jack
>> should
>> be provided for those that want to add their own I.F. buffer, like
>> manufactured and sold by Jack Smith at Clifton Labs.
>> Paul, W9AC
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Richards"<jruing at ameritech.net>
>> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"<tentec at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 4:57 PM
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] The Eagle
>>> OK... I can follow that. Thanks for the additional gloss.
>>> ====================== JHR ============================
>>> On 9/26/2010 16:41, Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP wrote:
>>>> Richards, I made that statement about having degrade GC receivers
>> they
>>>> are in a transceiver; but it is NOT true for the Omni VII.
>>>> The receiver is only degraded when you are trying to receive at or
>>>> the
>>>> IF frequency (i.e., 9 MHz).
>>>> It is not degraded across the rest of the GC spectrum. Sorry for
>>>> confusion.
>>> ===========================================================
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