[TenTec] The Eagle

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Wed Sep 29 19:33:31 PDT 2010

One of the downsides of complex, new, do it all radios, is that in the 
heat of a contest or Field Day, or even a real emergency communication, 
when you are dog tired, you will forget how to do some vital step and 
your communication will fail or the rig gets hung up in some menu and 
you can't get to where you were going in another menu.  Thus, if you are 
a new ham consider all the ways you intend to use your radio, before
you plunk your money down.  Sports cars are not for the 400 lb. 
wrestler.  If there are a few clear controls that may lead to nested 
functions, that beats hunting thru menus to me.


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