[TenTec] My New Eagle vs. my old Drake

Kris Merschrod Kris at merschrod.net
Wed Sep 29 09:38:35 PDT 2010

Just a another blast from the past.

Looking over my Drake R-4C sensitivity at .25uV across the ham bands and 
then the Eagle at .5uV  and my heart glows like the R-4C cool blue dial. 
That being said, please so not ask me about how the Drake compares with the 
stabilility of .5ppm in the Eagle because the hash marks on my Drake dial 
just can't go there!  :>)

How can Drakes be compared to Eagles anyay?  One paddles and the other 

Kris KM2KM

123 Warren Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

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