[TenTec] eagle

Don Jones ko7i at comcast.net
Sat Apr 2 17:21:01 PDT 2011

Power dB = 10LOG*(P1/P2).

Question #1, do you have a calibrated volt meter? Might be useful to check your input voltage.
Question #2, is your "50 ohm load" calibrated?
Question #3, I am not familiar with the Motorola Comm Analyzer... Is it rated for HF freq's? It is my impression that the Motorola stuff is mostly VHF/UHF rated equipment. 


Don Jones ko7i
Arlington, WA

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Bryce [mailto:prosolar at sssnet.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 6:37 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] eagle

I have access to a very expensive motorla comm analyzer. $50k, calibrated to traceable standards. 

My personal coaxial dynamic watt meter and if course a 50 ohm dummy load.  

So, I am not using an old radio shack CB watt meter, but calibrated RF test equipment. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 1, 2011, at 8:59 PM, Richards <jruing at ameritech.net> wrote:

> Hi Mike ---  I fully sympathize with your point in your position.  I 
> agree the rig should be as advertised.
> As I wrestle with the issue, myself – considering the tolerance issues 
> and the fact that meters don't really show full power necessarily, ... 
> I'm wondering how do you  (i.e., we)  know you (we) are only getting 85 
> W out when it is set for 100 W out ?     If our meters are not fully 
> accurate, how do we know we are not getting something like 95 – 100 W 
> out when our meters say 85 – 90 W with a 10% accuracy swing?
> I'm not picking a fight and I'm not doubting you – I'm only wondering 
> how you reached the conclusion you are not getting 100 W as advertised. 
>  How did you test your rig to demonstrate you are not really getting 
> the full output?
> ------------------
> Happy Trails.
> =======================  Richards / K8JHR  =========================
> On 4/1/2011 8:02 PM, Mike Bryce wrote:
>> I'll keep this short as two thumb typing is hard to do.
>> I understand the electronic aspect of it as well as the tolerance and logarithm of real power in the real world.
>> Please, please, please understand I KNOW that no one on the other end will know the difference.
>> But, I paid almost $3000 for a radio that displays on the front panel 100 watts output when the real power into a dummy load @13.9 volts @ the radio power connection I have 76 watts on 20 meters out of the box brand spanking new.
>> This is NOT a 'simple adjustment-- no one will notice' problem.
>> No one, not me, not you, should pay three grand and then need to  crack the case open to adjust anything.
>> This is not a 'no one can tell the difference problem,' this is a quality control problem.
>> If the display on my brand new $3k  Omni 7 says 100 watts, then by god the power output should be "close."
>> 85 watts is fine, but the display should reflect the rf output of 85 watts (not lab gear, I know)
>> With sore thumbs,
>> Mike
>> Sent from my iPhone
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