[TenTec] OT: Old QSTs, CQs, etc.

Jim Lowman jmlowman at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 30 16:22:01 PST 2011

Okay - you reminded me of something that I need to do right away - 
switch the remaining
issues of the CQ subscription to digital.  How did you manage to do the 
conversion to PDF?
I thought that was one of the main gripes that guys had against the 
digital subscription.
If I can do that, sold!  We both have Kindles and I have a Kindle and 
Nook reader app on my
tablet and phone.  Whenever possible, we buy books in digital format to 
keep from accumulating
any more than we have already.

BTW - CDs and DVDs aren't forever.  The media has a finite life, unless 
you pay the price for
archival-quality media.  Then again, when the next great revolution in 
storage media comes
along, will we be able to have the means to access the old media?  I'm 
currently working on
converting all of my VHS tapes that were never available in DVD format 
to DVD, because who
knows how much longer VHS players will be manufactured?

I'm using redundant hard drives as my storage medium, and may look into 
some of these
cloud services for storage.  The hard drive hasn't changed significantly 
since the first one
manufactured, other than in capacity and speed of access.  And the price 
per gigabyte
is at an all-time low.

73 de Jim - AD6CW

On 12/30/2011 7:35 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
> BTW, today I logged into my Zinio account and converted the entire December
> issue of CQ Magazine to one large PDF file.  It is 124 MB in size.  Assuming
> they will all be that size, I'll be able to save 3 years of CQ Magazine to a
> single DVD.  I sure hope the other ham rags do the same thing.  Then the
> problem described in this thread goes away.
> 73
> Rick, DJ0IP

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