[TenTec] Corsair II realignment: DIY?-Deoxit

Joe Roberts jroberts at io.com
Sat Jan 1 18:53:27 PST 2011

> I'd love to but can't figure it out. Not being in the US, I have to
> get it from an eBay store. There are several that sell Deoxit
> products, but none that are very clear which one they sell is the one
> I need.

I had best results with DeOxit D100L in a small bottle (7.4) with a 
brush applicator.

Here's a pic from one retailer:


Sometimes I use a tiny paintbrush or a toothpick to apply the stuff. 
I've used this bottle a lot and it looks like almost none is missing. 
The smallest quantity is enough to do the job. 7.4ml will last me 
probably 5 years or more, doing a few radios a year.

The spray can puts out way too much for precision work but you can spray 
a little bit into a cup and work with it that way.

I don't know if there is any exact replacement for DeOxit. It is magic 
potion. Worth every penny.


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