[TenTec] Jupiter

george fritkin georgefritkin at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 19 17:07:26 PDT 2011

You are welcome,Rip.  The Eagle is small, but the Knobs and display, even for my 
old eyes, are OK.  Last night on 75 checking into some nets I used the OMNIVll 
and the Eagle.  I am and old engineer and entrepreneur and I hate to use terms 
like this, but the Eagle has "charm" the OMNI is just another radio!!

George, W6GF

From: Roger Rippy <svtincup at yahoo.com>
To: TenTec at contesting.com
Sent: Sat, March 19, 2011 1:24:30 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Jupiter

Thanks George (W6GF), that is just the feedback
that I am looking for. I appreciate your comment
on the Eagle; sounds like you either own or tried
them all. I did not bring up the Eagle because
I have an K-1 and was trying to avoid the 
ergonomics of small radios. Maybe I will give
it some more thought. Larry (W8ER), I appreciate
the comment on used TTs. I currently have an
Omni VI 563 and a Triton 540; both were bought
used. I have always bought used and I would
like to try new before I fully retire from
the workforce. Carl (N4PY), I appreciate the
comment on the Omni VII; I am really considering
it but need to justify the extra $1K in cost.
Thanks all; it seems like the Jupiter has been
around for a while. I hate to buy a TT rig only
to have them stop production. Who knows? 
TU and 73s Rip  W7RIP   

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