[TenTec] TEN-TEC announces new amplifier

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Sun Aug 12 01:32:06 PDT 2012

Fair question, Mike.  I am ambivalent because I am extremely happy with 
my Omni VII, but I also sympathize with those who have radios that don't 
work exactly as they are supposed to.

I don't expect any manufacturer to support all its products forever, but 
it should make good on what it promises to do.   The radio should work 
as advertised.  If the company promises a fix "soon," that means it 
should appear within a reasonable time.

I am STILL waiting for the live band spectrum scope TT said would be 
available for the Omni VII.  I have, of course, given up all hope of 
seeing it in my lifetime.  And, I understand how many things can delay 
or or derail any "future" upgrade.   But you raise a different type of 
issue... you want your rig to work as it should.   If TT said a fix was 
coming "soon,"  that means it should materialize within a reasonable 

What is a "reasonable"  time is up for debate.   That depends, of 
course, on your sensibilities and threshold for painful delay.  At some 
point, you either accept it as it is, or sell it, and get another rig. 
   Grandpa used to say,  "Either get happy or get out."   I decided to 
"get happy"  with the Omni VII situation, because it is good enough as 
it is.   And yet, I understand you might want to "get out," instead, 
especially if are sufficiently cheesed off because more than a 
reasonable time has lapsed, and you are ready to move on.

I am standing pat, not because I am a TT suck-up, but because my radio 
works well enough to suit me.  No radio is perfect, and the competition 
has its own troubles, so (for me) I figure better the Devil I know, so I 
will sit tight and be happy.   But if the foibles and peccadilloes of 
your rig are sufficient to drive you off, then I will also understand. 
  I appreciate your angst over being told it was an easy fix, and yet it 
remains busted this long.   Hopefully,   a)  you can hold on a bit 
longer,  and b) a fix will be forthcoming... er... "soon."

Just MY take...
-------------------  Happy days - K8JHR  ------------------

On 8/11/2012 4:45 PM, Mike Stricker wrote:

> I wonder who else is getting tired hearing about new products when Ten Tec still hasn't finished the simple things on their old products.


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