[TenTec] New TT Amp

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Mon Aug 13 20:13:41 PDT 2012

The 405 amp was killed by the FCC cb amp ban way back when. 

The new amp,and the new rules, allow the use of low RF input (qrp level.) It has a microprocessor that monitors the input freq and will  instantly inhibit operation if freq is out of band. 

A totally different critter. 

Mike wb8vge

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 13, 2012, at 9:58 PM, "Hulett, Russell" <rhulett1 at consolidated.net> wrote:

> I'm somewhat puzzled by why TT discontinued the Argonaut V not too long ago, and the 405 QRP amplifier looong ago, now introduces an amp (I know the new one is 100W vs 50W )and soon an Argonaut VI.  Seems a lot of development effort to reintroduce and work bugs out of a new product that duplicates capablities of what previously existed.  As for me, a 540 for 50-100W and a K2 for <10W  Oh well, it's their company, business plan, and investment dollars, not mine.  Wish them well in these new ventures.
> 72, Curt KB5JO
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