[TenTec] New TT Amp

Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Mon Aug 13 22:33:54 PDT 2012


The ArgoV was great in the states but pretty much a flop here in Europe.
The receiver couldn't cope with the strong shortwave broadcast stations we
Its weak IP3 made it useless on 40m and its weak IP2 made it useless on 20m
in the evenings.
As I said many many times before, you guys don't have this problem in the
states so don't worry about it.
Just understand that we have it here and we welcome a better receiver in a
QRP rig.

>From the hardware side, it is almost an Eagle without the 100w amp.
Didn't take much to effort to do that.
A lot of the software is the same but of course it will take additional
effort to finalize and support.

It's going to be a great little QRP rig and once again be compatible with
the Elecraft rigs, which the ArgoV here in Europe was definitely not.
Ten-Tec formerly held a large chunk of the QRP market space here in Europe
with their Argonaut 5xx series.  They lost nearly 100% of that during the
ArgoV Era.  Maybe now they can gain a decent chunk back.

Rick, DJ0IP

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Hulett, Russell
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:59 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] New TT Amp

I'm somewhat puzzled by why TT discontinued the Argonaut V not too long ago,
and the 405 QRP amplifier looong ago, now introduces an amp (I know the new
one is 100W vs 50W )and soon an Argonaut VI.  Seems a lot of development
effort to reintroduce and work bugs out of a new product that duplicates
capablities of what previously existed.  As for me, a 540 for 50-100W and a
K2 for <10W  Oh well, it's their company, business plan, and investment
dollars, not mine.  Wish them well in these new ventures.

72, Curt KB5JO
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