[TenTec] My First Ten-Tec

Jim Lowman jmlowman at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jul 4 16:02:34 PDT 2012

I have to agree, Rick.

While Ten-Tec has an impressive website and has full-page ads
in QST and CQ every month, they don't seem to have much of
a direct presence.

Back when we were putting together a convention in 2001, I
put the full-court press on Scott to see if Ten-Tec would come
out here to soCal and exhibit their wares.  I had the Omni VI
Plus then, and talked it up at the local club, but most members
had never seen a Ten-Tec radio.  Scott said that Ten-Tec pretty
much confined their exhibits to Dayton.  Maybe they are at
the big hamfests nearby now, like Orlando and Huntsville.

It can't be the direct marketing, as that works very well for
Elecraft, and it certainly isn't the unprecedented 30-day
return privilege.  What do you think?

73 de Jim - AD6CW

On 7/4/2012 1:54 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
> Cecil,
> Yours is the story of most:  "I don't know why I never considered Ten-Tec".
> There can be only one answer to that:  Marketing.
> Ten-Tec never got the marketing right.  NEVER.

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