[TenTec] OT: Field Day Drill

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Tue Jul 17 12:46:45 PDT 2012

Lowering the contest power to 100 watts greatly mitigates possible inter 
station interference.

We used double shielded coax this year which allowed  3 100 watt 
stations to have 3 coaxes run together to exit the room at the same 
window.  I did not expect it to help all that much and was using it for 
the pre made lengths of it I had.  Only if the 20m phone station got 
very low in the phone band did the nearby CW station seem to desense the 
receiver.  That was a simple QSY to fix.  No band pass filters were 
used.  Antennas were a vertical against a inverted vee about 125 feet apart.

I am certainly glad I had the chance to use double shielded coax.
The vertical had a tuner at the antenna with remote cable control, and 
the doublet had a coax choke at its feedpoint, of RG8x

-Stuart Rohre

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