[TenTec] 40m BCI and Ten-Tec vs. Elecraft

wade staggs tvman1954 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 14:13:52 PDT 2012

*We live within 250 miles of the factory. Someday, I will get to see it and
take the tour. As for who does and does not monitor the reflector? I have
had off list replies to my questions from Paul Clinton on several
occasions. An Email to them is most times answered by the next day at the
latest. A phone call to the Service Dept. will get you a Tech. but most
times the Service Manager, Paul. Why should I or anyone care if, the
company owners are active on the list? It is called Delegation of
Authority. I am quite sure that the Engineers or Service manager are much
better choices than the Owner. Any Salesman who is worth his salt should
know his products backwards sideways and front to back. That seems to be
the case here. And if, I ever get to visit the factory and my YL says " Why
don't you go ahead and buy it ! "  It is a given fact that she would have
to drive home. With me in the passenger seat and my new gear in my lap
!!!!! Hugging it all the way home. No back seat of trunk for my new Ten
73 de Wade/KJ4WS*

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Richards <jruing at ameritech.net> wrote:

> On 7/21/2012 12:52 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> > can't recall  seeing much evidence that anyone other than a salesman
> > reads this reflector, let alone responds to it.  In fact, I'm sure I
> > could count such responses without taking my shoes off.
> > _______________________________________________
>         I know TenTec watches this list, and John Henry
>         has favored me with personal replies to various
>         postings - very frank, pointed replies indicating
>         he is up to snuff on the drift as it were.
>         Besides, I don't care if a salesman reviews the list,
>         because, at TenTec. everybody is about ten steps away
>         from everybody else, including the guys who design
>         stuff.  Having taking the tour of the plant, I am
>         confident they all communicate daily - over coffee
>         or lunch if not otherwise - and telling one guy is
>         like telling them all.   That is just MY take,
>         having been there.
>         Guess what made the best impression ... MY WIFE really
>         enjoyed the tour, and said she learned a lot.  Of
>         course, the best bit was she let me buy a radio - so
>         it was a good experience for me, too!  Although it was
>         hard trying to fit the stuff into the already packed
>         trunk of my two-seat roadster - But, if YOUR wife
>         said you could buy a radio while you were visiting
>         the plant, you would find room, too... no matter how
>         many shirts, shoes, or pants you would have to jettison
>         fit it in... eh?   You know you would.
>         Er... um... Please... no lectures about how I could
>         have had it shipped it home . . . that is too logical
>         and not nearly as much fun as taking it with you...
>         bird in the hand, ya know....          ;-)
> ===================  K8JHR  ===============================
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