[TenTec] TT 580 Delta

Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Sat Jul 21 23:54:54 PDT 2012

James, that's a sign of the times.
There's a lot go good useful things which are no longer available.

Where can you get a link-coupled antenna tuner these days?
Within the past 15 years, the last 4 companies I know of still making them,
With three of the companies, the owner became an SK and the company closed.
The UK company (still in business) removed them from the program because
they cost too much more than their other tuners.
People prefer to buy "CHEAP", rather than quality.

OK on the MFJ preselector.  I'll cross that one off my list.
Looks like the only solution is home brew.

Well, actually you don't need a solution if you live in the states, and
people living in Europe just need to buy better radios.
 > Ten-Tec Orion or Eagle (Or Omni 6+ with Inrad)
 > Elecraft K3
 > Flex 3000, 5000, or 6000
 > Yaesu FT-3000 or FT-5000
 > Hilberling PT-8000  (YES, it is shipping, for just 13,500 EUR ($17K))
 > Kenwood TS-590 or TS-990
 > ICOM*... well "maybe" the 7800 (the latest version), maybe 7700

*I haven't had a chance to try these since the broadcast stations moved out
of the 40m ham band.

And for your Omni VII, you don't need much.
A diy single band bandpass filter for 40m should be enough.   That was the
only band I found to really need one.
Possibly you could just buy a monoband Dunestar filter and place it in the
antenna line and be done with it.
(http://www.dunestar.com/store/Single-Band-Bandpass-Filters-pid-4.html )
That might be enough since the bands have gotten better now.  I need to try
this some time.

But as I said, if you live in the US, don't worry about it!
You guys don't have this problem.

Rick, DJ0IP

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Richards
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 12:43 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] TT 580 Delta

  Well. er... um...  If the only current offerings are from MFJ, I'll take a

Years ago, a bunch of us SWLs  on another list tried and tested the MFJ
preselectors, and did a lot of marketing research on them, and concluded
they are too broad banded, and not sufficiently focused, to  be of any
practical use beyond minor mitigation of IMD from nearby  "flamethrower" 
   MW BCB stations.

Shoot... I thought you were talking about something ... um...
    useful !    ;-)

Thanks, OM... Happy trails to ya.

=================  K8JHR  ================

On 7/21/2012 3:43 PM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:

> You probably don't need one.

> The Braun preselectors seem to be worth their weight in gold.
> They are no longer built

> You could also build one.

> However there is still one more source.  It's MFJ.

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