[TenTec] Top receivers
kc9cdt at aol.com
kc9cdt at aol.com
Mon May 14 06:33:00 PDT 2012
Yes...it'a all about the emission standards, FCC enforcement etc.
FCC is not doing the job...no surprise...all they want to do these days is sell frequency's.
Also, look at all the crap operations on the bands...no calls, frofanity etc.....a lot of licences shoud be revoked etc.
-----Original Message-----
From: d.e.warnick <d.e.warnick at comcast.net>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Mon, May 14, 2012 8:36 am
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Top receivers
There are currently emission standards, etc. that need to be met to gain FCC
ype acceptance. If the current crop of transceivers meet these specifications &
here is still a problem, then the specifications for FCC type acceptanced may
or may not) need to be reviewed. There is a specification for 'spurious
missions', as well as others. If they are not doing the job, then a thoroug h
eview of those specs may be in order.
What we do not need is any government authority dictating engineering such as a
pecific type of component ("48v MOSFETs").
Please, please, please allow the consumer to drive the market, and be very
autious about yet more government oversight where it has been proven time and
gain to increase cost without solving anything.
Just my take.
We could solve a lot of issues on the air by better educating those among us who
verdrive, tune improperly, overprocess, and run fa r more power than necess
ry. (Yes, I do use a linear when necessary.) In the current Yemen & Somalia
Xpeditions, I have had far more issues with bad operators than with bad
ignals. (If I hear UP, LID, or worse one more time, I think I'll scream). I
ave shut down & walked away several times, even though I need the band. My
hoice, but that's not the ham radio that I have enjoyed for more than 45 years,
nd I choose to not let it become that. There are guys calling without a break
ven though a contact is in progress. If you want more government intervention,
und the FCC's enforcement branch to clean this up. (No, I don't really want
hat either but something has got to give).
OK, I've had my rant.
Happy Monday
----- Original Message -----
rom: "Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP" <Rick at DJ0IP.de>
o: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
ent: Monday, May 14, 2012 7:17:45 AM
ubject: Re: [TenTec] Top receivers
Bob, you hit it. We need to stop making transmitters with 12v transistors.
8v MOSFETs should be mandatory. We do need laws to mandate this.
The problem as I see it is with the mobile rigs.
aybe we could allow rigs designed specifically for mobile use to still use
2v transistors, but have a conspicuous message on the box and a warning
Surely 100w on a mobile whip can't do too much damage!
YAESU definitely needs to clean up its act.
he bands are flooded with FT-1000s which produce horrendous key clicks.
ven though W8JI came up with a $2 fix for the problem just months after its
nitial announcement, it took Yaesu nearly 6 years to finally incorporate
hat fix into their new units.
As Floyd pointed out, they still don't know how to build a rig that keys
leanly - regardless of price. Shame shame!
If we start now, maybe in 5 years we could get some legislation, and maybe
n 15 years the bands will finally be cleaner.
don't expect to see it in my lifetime!
-----Original Message-----
rom: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
n Behalf Of Bob McGraw - K4TAX
ent: Monday, May 14, 2012 1:28 AM
o: floyd at k8ac.net; Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
ubject: Re: [TenTec] Top receivers
Floyd, I agree with you and with many of the other writers. The receiver
erformance has been pushed ahead and largely demanded by "users" in a
ompetitive market while the transmitter performance is largely controlled
y outdated Government regulations.
Yes, it is time to clean up the bands and push for cleaner transmitters and
ower amps. However, how does one control the outdated transmitters in use
oday? Put a time limit on them saying they must meet the current specs or
e trashed by a certain date? They have done that for other applications
nd equipment such as the switch from analog TV to digital TV. That was
xpensive for everyone, specially the broadcasters. But look how it forced
he price of digital TV's down. The price dropped some 75% in just 2 years.
Imagine a top of the line ham transceiver for under $2K. Of course one has
o look at things differently, i.e. a business vs. a hobby. Then there are
ountries which mandate when a vehicle gets X number of years old they are
rushed thus can no longer be used. That was done to largely effect a
eduction in air pollution and it worked. Maybe that would work for ham
I'm all up for cleaner bands and cleaner signals. I believe today we have
o forgo the idea of 12 volt radios to attain that desired result.
echnically there is no problem with that concern either. As one wrote,
here's the 200 watt class radio that only outputs 75 watts when running in
lass A mode. Are we willing to accept that fact or are we a culture that
s too number driven?
I don't like Government intervention any more than anyone else, but some
ffort by manufactures, pushed by Government regulations and us buyers that
ay our hard earned money for these boxes need to demand better
ransmitters. That's "better" in terms of cleaner, lower noise, and lower
MD products and operators that operate them correctly. It is a very large
opic and will need to be addressed on an international basis.
ob, K4TAX
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