[TenTec] Top receivers

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon May 14 07:13:21 PDT 2012

On 5/14/2012 6:33 AM, kc9cdt at aol.com wrote:
> FCC is not doing the job...no surprise...all they want to do these days is sell frequency's.
Many of us are old enough to remember when the FCC had field offices, 
monitoring stations, and field engineers who actually came out and 
inspected stations.  Broadcasters were inspected on a routine basis, and 
hams were inspected when monitoring or complaints caused FCC engineers 
to suspect there might be a violation.

All that changed with deregulation and "small government" that "got the 
government off our backs."  There are far fewer engineers paying any 
attention at all to these issues, and all the Commissioners are 
lawyers.  Technical education?  If you doubt any of this, read their 

The FCC CANNOT do any enforcement -- it has no money to do it, thanks to 
"small government." Now, SOME of that field inspection was "busy work," 
but much of it was not.  There are, for example, AM broadcast stations 
seriously violating the terms of their licenses by running 
omnidirectional antennas when the license requires a directional 
antenna, and/or running more power than their license permits, and the 
ham bands are full of RF trash generated by consumer equipment that 
violates FCC Rules, even Rules weakened by lobbyists for the spectrum 

Clean equipment, clean spectrum, compliance with FCC Rules is simply not 
a priority.  FCC priorities are focused on the internet, 
telecommunications, telephony, commercial uses of the spectrum, and 
cow-towing to so-called Christians who care more about wardrobe 
malfunctions than whether poor children have food to eat.

73, Jim Brown K9YC

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