[TenTec] RFI Issues/Grounding

Stephen Roberts steverob at shoreham.net
Thu May 17 04:42:38 PDT 2012

I have a question about grounding as well. I currently have my rig grounded to a cold water pipe in my basement via 6' of  1/2 braided flat/tinned ground strap. I'm about to put a ground rod in next to where my antenna feed lines enter the house, but it seems to me that if I run my ground from my rig directly to the ground rod which is grounded to the antenna feed lines, wouldn't that by default invite lightening into the shack should I get a strike?


Steve Roberts
Elecraft K2
Sudbury, VT

On May 16, 2012, at 11:29 PM, Jim Brown wrote:

> On 5/16/2012 7:57 PM, Jose F Ballester wrote:
>> Don't have grounded antennas.
>> Why is it necessary?
> An EARTH connection IS necessary for lightning safety.   Bonding 
> equipment and grounded  things together is critical for personal safety, 
> and also to minimize hum and buzz related to the mains power system.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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