[TenTec] RASCAL interface and the Orion 565
Bob McGraw - K4TAX
RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Wed Oct 17 10:19:40 EDT 2012
I suspect the original pin configuration was conceived from the Engineering
point of view of implementation without realizing that a "standard" cable
purchased off the shelf was not constructed in the way needed. Then to
standardize the Orion's, Omni VII's and other radios AUX connector
functions, the change was necessary to use the standard cable.
Your point is well taken on the FSK matter with regard to levels. From my
thoughts, working PSK-31 and changing to AFSK, the levels are handled by the
computer software and I find no level change is required when changing
I see a strong recall of ideas and procedure as applied to old rigs, old
methods and old thinking on many topics, which today are totally incorrect
as applied to new modern radios, computers and such. Even with basic
thoughts and laws of Physics pertaining to antennas, feedlines, tuners,
baluns and etc., I see a large disparity of information.
As Will Rodgers said "it's not what people know that concerns me, it's what
they know that isn't correct that gives me concerns". Today in my work
today, as I encounter people and as we discuss a certain product, I find
that 9 out of 10 people have 100% incorrect information on the topic. It is
the "well I was told........bla, bla bla" Basically 20 years ago what
they were told was correct. Today it is 100% incorrect.
I too often find that I have to update my thinking and understanding on many
topics as related to ham radio matters. And too, more often than not, there
is something I've overlooked which puts me in the wrong thinking toward an
application. Yet, I still have to return to the fact ...the laws of Physics
haven't changed. Sometimes I forget that fact........largely chalked up to
" a senior moment" in my case. I view that 55 years in ham radio and
electronics and 70 years of age has its merits and drawbacks.
Bob, K4TAX
----- Original Message -----
From: <d.e.warnick at comcast.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:17 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] RASCAL interface and the Orion 565
> Thanks, Bob. The simple thing would have been to put the FSK on pin 5 of
> the 8-pin connector when the Orion was designed. I know this sounds
> simple, but I'm sure there was an engineering reason for the change . It
> could be as simple as where a trace needed to be on a PC board. I changed
> the cable rather than the transceiver because I didn't a non-standard rig
> in case I sell it. (Can't imagine that.)
> My reason for using the FSK is that I never have to worry about setting a
> correct transmit audio level in RTTY. You're right about the guy o the
> other end not knowing the difference. Modern rigs don't have the problem
> of opposite sideband generation the old boat anchors did. PSK is still an
> AFSK mode and the due diligence is required there when setting it up.
> Guess I'm getting lazy in my old age
> Also, thanks for all you do on the reflector. Always a good read, even
> when I don't need the info currently. Ya' just never know
> 73
> Dave
> WA3F
> p.s. Still usin g the choke baluns you showed me years ago
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bob McGraw - K4TAX" <RMcGraw at Blomand.net>
> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 7:58:16 AM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] RASCAL interface and the Orion 565
> Dave:
> Thanks for clarification of history on this point. I have the Omni VII and
> the Eagle and both work correctly with the supplied cable, including the
> mode for the Omni VII. I do have the Orion manuals here but no Orion radio
> at present. Sorry if I disclosed incorrect information.
> FYI - the Omni VII has a 5 pin AUX receptacle and the Eagle has a 8 pin
> receptacle. The Tentec supplied 5 pin DIN connector will correctly plug
> into either one correctly. Same for the Tentec 712 USB Soundcard interface
> which has a 5 pin DIN connector.
> With the Eagle, pin 5, pin 6, & pin 7 are for yet to be disclosed
> applications.
> I spend a reasonable amount of time operating the digital modes, all of
> which are audio modes. In with this I work AFSK being generated via the
> computer software. Most folks won't know the difference on either end. I
> do the same for CW as well. In all cases, the radio is in the USB mode. I
> have used the FSK mode, mostly to confirm certain applications and the
> exact
> frequency shift of the radio and firmware. The supplied cable and
> completing the circuit on the correct connector on the dongle does work as
> expected.
> 73
> Bob, K4TAX
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <d.e.warnick at comcast.net>
> To: "Rick W" <ve7tk at yahoo.ca>; "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"
> <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 6:28 AM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] RASCAL interface and the Orion 565
>> Rick,
>> You are 100% correct about the TenTec supplied cable for the FSK lead.
>> The
>> cable provided is the same as for the Omni VII. Unfortunately, when the
>> Orion II was designed (I have both Orion II & Omni VII) the FSK lead was
>> moved from pin 5 to pin 7 of the connector. This cost me a lot of time
>> because I blindly trusted the supplied cable in setting up FSK operation
>> of the Orion II.
>> A call to TenTec was answered with a statement that the cable is a
>> standard commercial product and that no 'correct' cable is available. So,
>> the answer was to replace the connector on the supplied cable with the
>> connector provided goodies bag that came with the Orion II and put the
>> leads on the correct pins. It's do-able (my 68 year old eyes and shaky
>> hands don't help) but is one of my very few rubs with TenTec. It's absurd
>> to me that an 'incorrect' cable is supplied with transceiver in this
>> price
>> class.
>> 73
>> Dave
>> WA3F
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Rick W" <ve7tk at yahoo.ca>
>> To: "Ten-Tec Reflector" <tentec at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:57:32 PM
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] RASCAL interface and the Orion 565
>> Jack is correct the Orion AUX jack has output that can be used for AFSK .
>> FSK on the other hand is more of an issue. If your friend is using the
>> Ten-Tec AUX cable for FSK I'm afraid he's out of luck. That cable does
>> not
>> bring out the FSK output. He'll have to build up a new cable or perhaps
>> purchase one from a 3rd party.
>> I'm using a US-Interface Navigator and it keys the rig with the PTT on
>> pin
>> 3 and sends FSK on Pin 7 of the AUX jack. It has it's own DIN connector
>> and privides access to all pins on the Orion's AUX jack.
>> Also, if your friend has an "early" 565 he may need to add a 10k pull up
>> resistor between pin 7 of the AUX connector and pin 8 of the REMOTE jack.
>> http://www.ad4c.us/Tentec%20HF%20manuals_/Orion%20II/02Orion%2520FSK.pdf
>> 73,
>> Rick
>> VE7TK
>> Website: http://www.ve7tk.com
>> To:Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
>> Subject:Re: [TenTec] RASCAL interface and the Orion 565
>> From:"k0bx at arrl.net" <k0bx at arrl.net>
>> Reply-to:Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
>> Date:Tue, 16 Oct 2012 17:35:17 -0700 (PDT)
>> List-post:<tentec at contesting.com">mailto:tentec at contesting.com>
>> That is very good Jack, the problem is that I am not the owner of the
>> Orion but
>> my friend W0TT is. I am trying to get him on RTTY.
>> Maybe you could send me a note off line on what cables you are talking
>> about?
>> We do want to be able to use FSK and NOT AFSK. And do CW without changing
>> cables. Joe K0BX Stop the insanity!
>> Please do not add me to any distribution lists (Joke, Stories or Junk)
>> without
>> my permission. ________________________________
>> From: jack <jfriend31 at comcast.net>
>> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Wed, October 17, 2012 12:31:38 AM
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] RASCAL interface and the Orion 565 One does not
>> need
>> a Rascal for RTTY with the Orion. one can use the cables that
>> came with Orion for RTTY direct to the computer. I have done exactly that
>> for
>> all the years I have had my Orions 565, mostly CW but MixW3 will do all
>> modes
>> just about with the above cable connections to computer.
>> jack
>> ak7o
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