[TenTec] My New Orion II . . .

Walt waltk8cv4612amos at att.net
Mon Aug 26 00:56:42 EDT 2013

Take a look at 




Skip over the Republican crap and start looking just after the picture of
the O2


Walt K8CV




-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Richards
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 6:52 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: [TenTec] My New Orion II . . .


Greetings Ten-Tec mavens and devotees:


I bought an Orion II and it arrived this weekend.  I am nearly finished 

remodeling the desk shelves and risers to accommodate its substantially 

larger footprint.  My young bride helped me build new shelves on the 

right side on an angle and we both think it will be a huge ergonomic and 

visual improvement.


I wonder:


      a)    Is there any consensus as to which

            firmware version I should update

            to...   and if not, is there any

            concise list of which firmware

            versions are favored, understanding

            that some will work better in some

            versions than others, but that is

            sometimes good to know.


            Wild Idea No. 29873:


            Perhaps we could pool all comments on

            the different versions, and make a chart

            indicating which features are improved,

            and which are not, in each of the

            different versions.  That might make it

            easy to determine which versions are good

            for what purposes, and maybe make it easy

            to adopt different personalities, like one

            version may be better for digital modes,

            and another for SSB, because the NR and

            notch or the like might work better for

            in one version, than another.


            Or maybe this would be too confusing and

            subject to intractable debate with no

            consensus...  after all it IS a wild

            asked idea. . .



      b)   Are there any quirks or foibles I might

            want to pay attention to... such as you

            cannot do X, if you set Y.   I seem to

            recall some useful feature was adversely

            affected when I engaged the spectrum scope.

            Like who knew ???



      c)   Do you guys have any preferred AGC settings

            that might be better than the default

            settings?   I primarily work SSB, but I

            will be moving to CW soon - I AM finally

            making some progress and practicing more

            regularly lately...



      d)   Are there any special notes, tips, or considerations

            that apply to this rig that might not apply

            to my other TT rigs, including the Omni VII

            and Jupiter?   I also  own the TT Centurion.


So... any help would be hugely appreciated.  I don't mind reading, so if 

there is a previous thread on a topic, you might just identify the issue 

and point me in the right direction, and I will do the homework.  Just 

knowing what to look for can often be enough help.


Happy trails.


-----------------  K8JHR  -----------------



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