[TenTec] Paragon lives....somewhat

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Sat Aug 31 15:30:30 EDT 2013

Boys and girls,

the replacement cpu and micro processor crystals arrived. 

The first, and easiest, was to insert the cpu.... no joy

so removed the logic board, installed a new crystal and lo and behold, there be life in the rig.

Just for grins, I put the original cpu in and it didn't work so looks like both the micro processor and the crystal were bad.

Now for the bad news

No display!

nothing, nadda, zip

yes, I checked and I have +30 volts drive from the dc-dc inverter. 

Tried doing a master reset (several times) but still no joy.

I have +voltage, the on board regulator are well, regulating, and all plugs have been cleaned and reset. There's not much there. The cpu on the driver board is oscillating so, the crystal (and I assume) the cpu is operating. But still no display

I'll scope a few of the multiplex data line and see if there is data being sent to the display.

Any ideas out there in ten tec land?

Mike Bryce wb8vge
prosolar at sssnet.com

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